“The opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it’s indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it’s indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, it’s indifference.”
~ Elie Wiesel
Apathy leads to depression, all hope lost, an inability to see anything beyond what is right in front of us. Many of us are experiencing the feeling of being in a rut. Everyday pretty much the same as the next day, and the next. Sometimes this is exactly what we need, a time to re-charge and center. But, after awhile this sameness changes and we begin to feel stagnant or trapped. The cat in the Four of Cups, dreams of a cat dreaming of cups, dreaming of a cat dreaming of cups… A pretty dull dream indeed and shows boredom and repetition. This is pretty accurate for current situations, wouldn’t you say? One the one hand, there is a sense of safety in routine, on the other the security you found now feels confining. It’s time to start the process of waking the sleeping cat and get it to stretching to prepare for the next phase. What are you dreaming of?
Which brings us to the Two of Wands in the past position. We see a ghost holding candles and gazing into a crystal ball. Although stuck in the past, this ghost is looking toward the future. It’s time to start planning, to envision your future and how you want to get there. What goals do you need to set? What steps do you need to take? What situations need a contingency plan to avoid delays? Planning for your future and a certain amount of preparedness is necessary for success. So, don’t skip steps. Be cautious, plan carefully, but keep moving forward. What are you envisioning?
Which brings us the future card position, the Ace of Wands. The energy of the Ace will help keep you motivated and is also lending assistance where needed. Whether it’s the spark of inspiration, or simply illuminates your way, assistance is offered and given. You must tend this spark carefully so it does not burn out too quickly or is allowed to die. Although the fire is there you must fuel it to keep it burning. What sparks your dreams, your inspiration, your passion?
As the world is beginning to emerge from it’s forced hibernation, we’ve had some time to reflect, and hopefully make plans for the future. It should be a sedate process, but still moving forward cautiously. IMHO Have you been making plans? Have you envisioned a new or different future for yourself? Are you satisfied with returning to the way things were before? Do you see a clear path to make the changes you have envisioned? What are you passionate about? Are you ready to move forward?
These points to ponder were brought to you by the new Shadlowland Tarot. I will be working with the cards more and will be posting a review very soon. Please check back and see what this very intriguing deck has to share with us.