Unprecedented Potential When we plant seeds, we anticipate they will grow, and the yield will be plentiful. We feed the soil, nurture the seedlings by providing the light and moisture needed to thrive. What we plant, we must sow. So, we want to be sure of what we are planting and nourishing to grow. Just like seeds we plant in […]
COTD 10 of Pentacles
Abundance You might think that having an abundance mind-set would be easier than not, and for some that may be true. For most people I feel the default thinking is more along the lines of a fear of scarcity. Changing that mind-set could prove to be more difficult than you think, but not with the Ten of Pentacles. You can […]
Beginning Again – Imbolc Tarot Blog Hop
“Letting go of the past means you can enjoy the dream that is happening right now.” ~Don Miguel Ruiz This Blog Hop theme is Beginning Again, and what a perfect time for fresh starts as we prepare for spring. Imbolc is the halfway mark between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. Not quite winter and not quite spring, but […]
COTD 4 of Cups
Complacency. “I’m worried that students will take their obedient place in society and look to become successful cogs in the wheel – let the wheel spin them around as it wants without taking a look at what they’re doing. I’m concerned that students not become passive acceptors of the official doctrine that’s handed down to them from the White House, […]
Samhain Blog Hop 2022
Previous Blog — Master List — Next Blog Ancestors Those who came before And have passed beyond the veil Whose time has come and gone Leaving their mark upon our brow Some with broken hearts – a grief we all must bear Some just a memory – too distant now to share. They, our Ancestors, for better or for worse […]
October 17, 2022
Although the road ahead may be rough and fraught with unforseen peril, your fortitude will carry you. The lessons and dogma you bring will serve to guide as well as blind you to your own abilities for free thinking. Feeling stripped of power and stuck in your own mire, you do not see a clear path to change your circumstance […]
Monday September 26,2022
I gather the energies around me and channel their magic to my purpose. Energies that are needed to gather strength and provide sustainability in preparation for busier times when opportunities present themselves. I will cast my intentions into the air and see where the winds of possibility and promise take them.
COTD The Fool 04/30/22
The Fool: Beginnings, the heady moment before driving into the future, the state of being untested, the feeling of quivering anticipation when arriving at the brink of experience, stepping into an untested path, or leaping onto the spiral. -Julie Cuccia-Watts Today is the last day of the week and of the month. Tomorrow we jump off onto the first day […]
COTD 5 of Sacred Circles 04/28/22
5 of Sacred Circles: Searching for a direction or purpose in life. Tapping the subconscious for direction. A spiritual retreat. Spiritual risks. The pause between preparing for and undertaking a spiritual ordeal. –Julie Cuccia-Watts As a stand alone card, the 5 of Sacred Circles shows the need for introspection and meditation. Perhaps something drastic has or is going to change […]
COTD The Sun 04/27/22
The Sun: Successful culmination of a quest; basking in the light and warmth of accomplishment, accepting the bounty of life and recognizing its source. Joy, happiness, exuberance, high spirits, sharing good fortune, celebrations success. Julie Cuccia-Watts