Unprecedented Potential
When we plant seeds, we anticipate they will grow, and the yield will be plentiful. We feed the soil, nurture the seedlings by providing the light and moisture needed to thrive. What we plant, we must sow. So, we want to be sure of what we are planting and nourishing to grow.
Just like seeds we plant in the soil, the seeds we plant in our soul-intentions need the same care and love. To these you want to add a springling of faith; Faith in your ability to nurture and grow these intentions, but also faith that the Universe will bless your seedlings helping them to come forth and mature.
As in yesterday’s post of Abundance, there is a change of mind-set that needs to take place. The mind-set of acceptance and knowing you deserve the blessings and gifts you’re attempting to grow. If we are not accepting or feel deserving of these gifts, we sabotage ourselves and block our ability to fully receive the full potential of what we have planted.
The Ace of Pentacles is unprecedented potential waiting for it’s chance to bloom and spread. The time is right for your intentions to take root and grow. But they won’t thrive as well as they could without Faith in the Universe and more importantly, Faith in yourself.
“We sacrifice our potential because we do not know that we are pure potential.”
― Vironika Tugaleva