The Sun: Successful culmination of a quest; basking in the light and warmth of accomplishment, accepting the bounty of life and recognizing its source. Joy, happiness, exuberance, high spirits, sharing good fortune, celebrations success. Julie Cuccia-Watts
What an auspicious card! You can almost feel the warmth emanating from the image. Today promises to be a day where you’re feeling good and your spirits are high. You’re likely feeling right with the world and filled with a sense of worth and accomplishment. If your health has been on the down side and you’ve needed to recharge, The Sun will certainly help you along. After the Death and transformation of yesterday, The Sun is a healing balm to bask in and an energy to pay forward.
“What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity. These are but trifles, to be sure; but scattered along life’s pathway, the good they do is inconceivable.”
― Joseph Addison
Today is a high energy filled day, followed by The Sun are the Ace of Staves and the Three of Sacred Circles.
The Ace brings its own brand of activity with growth, beginnings, creativity, and potential. The Three of Sacred Circles reins in any chaotic energy that may be bounding about with balance between work, social, family and spiritual responsibilities. When the body, the materials and the idea all become one, you’ve mastered your craft and your work reflects your values. (paraphrased)