” If we could make our house a home, and then make it a sanctuary, I think we could truly find paradise on Earth.” ~Alexandra Stoddard
My first post on an all new Blog. It seems my old site had been hacked and was full of viruses. This is a fresh start, even though it feels a bit like 10 yrs worth of work was for naught. Sometimes you just need a clean slate and a fresh look and I guess it my time.
What better way to start a new blog than with a new Tarot? Being the Ciro Marchetti fan that I am, I can’t think of a better first post.
The Fool jumps in with both feet never wondering if his head will follow suit, but it does. Light of foot, heart, and mind, there is no hesitation as The Fool takes that leap of faith expecting only good with no worries in tow. The Nine of Coins shares in this expectation of creating the surroundings you want, the place where you are most at home, content, safe, and comfortable. This paradise does not appear on its own, but is a result of the work, time, and energy I put into creating it. The Emperor reminds me that although The Fool may have taken that leap of faith, there are boundaries and rules that must be considered and adhered to. With no boundaries, (firewalls or encryption) posts could be running amok again spoiling all the fun.