Llewellyn Classic…………Tarot Grand Luxe……….Mary El Tarot 2nd edition
“Enthusiasm can help you find the new doors, but it takes passion to open them. If you have a strong purpose in life, you don't have to be pushed. Your passion will drive you there.” ― Roy T. Bennett
Perhaps you find yourself in a new situation, one that has much appeal to you, but one which you lack experience. Sometimes the only way to gain experience is to jump in and get going. If you are lucky enough to have a teacher or mentor, listen to them. They wish for you to succeed as much as you do, and if you are passionate in your purpose, you will prevail. Although you may be considered “young” (no matter your age) follow your heart because the mind gives up too easily.
The Tarot Grand Luxe, Page of Wands is described as exuding confidence and a sense of excitement and adventure. He is eager to learn and try new things and dares to take risks.
While the Page of Wands of Llewellyn’s Classic Tarot is more cautious and nervous. This Page needs more structured encouragement as he appears willing, but apprehensive and unsure.
The Mary El Tarot, Page of Wands, is a highly spiritual being, divinely inspired and moved by faith. Author Marie White says, “Every person is born with a purpose in life, some large, some small, and when you follow that bliss that you were meant for, you will be moving with the current of the universe and will be able to achieve the seemingly impossible and miraculous.”
Point to ponder:
- Are you following your passion?
- Do you have the courage of your convictions?
- Are you willing to become the student to pursue your dreams?
- Llewellyn’s Classic Tarot by Barbara Moore and Eugene Smith-Llewellyn Worldwide
- Tarot Grand Luxe by Ciro Marchetti-US Games Systems, Inc
- Mary-El Tarot 2nd edition by Marie White-Red Feather Mind,
Body, Spirit, Schiffer Publishing, Ltd.